“That I may publish
with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell
of all thy wondrous works.”
Psalm 26:7

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“That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.” Psalm 26:7

The Gratefulness drug

The Gratefulness drug


One thing I learned today is that…gratefulness fills the heart with joy. I was doing my to-do list for the day and while I was at number 7 or 8, I was overcome by this gratefulness for all the blessings that God has given me. I have so much work to do! So much service to be rendered for my God, my family, my wife, my people in my businesses, my partners, my clients, my country…my readers…

I had to stand up and go to my wife (she’s at the next desk—my hot office mate) and hug her and look out the window where the trees are in full leaf bloom, and tell her how grateful I am, and how blessed we are, and how my heart is so full with love. 

I think this well comes from the ultrasound session we had at Healthway. it’s Miriam’s 3rd month of pregnancy officially. Hallelujah! Was so happy to see our baby’s heart beating so lusciously with life, seeing his/her* hand move and say “hi” to us. Whoa. What a heart leaper. And then she/he was so chill and moved it’s hands at the back of his/her head as if to tell us to relax and “chill”.  (Turns out that both Miriam and I let some fear creep up into our minds…like whether the baby was still there with a heartbeat and negative stuff like that. )

So, going back to the lesson today. Gratefulness is like getting a boost of the best natural drug. It releases happy hormones. Try it today! 

A happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing,

But a broken spirit dries up the bones. – Proverbs 17:22 (AMP)

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever” (1 Chronicles 16:34).

From the upcoming devotional book by Ardy Roberto:

ONE THING…I learned today.

Sept 12


*yes, we don’t know yet the gender of our baby. But it’s looking like it might be a boy 🙂



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