“That I may publish
with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell
of all thy wondrous works.”
Psalm 26:7

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“That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.” Psalm 26:7

An “out of body experience”
Project Author

An “out of body experience”

I learned today that what are somewhat ordinary days for some of us, are very, very special days for others.

Like take today for example. Amidst the storm, people still flocked to the Manila International Book Fair at the SMX MOA. Including Philip Roa, a young 20 something writer, and co author of the new book, Ang Allowance na Hindi Bitin.

“All are invited to the book signing of the authors of Ang Allowance na Hindi Bitin… Ardy Roberto and Philip Roa…”

When Philip heard his name being announced on the public announcement system at the book fair he told me, “Tito Ardy, this is surreal hearing my name as an author… It’s like having an out of body experience.”

I looked at Philip amused and realized that today was really a big and special day for him. For me honestly, the book signing had become almost ordinary. It’s my ninth book. ( I know, I know. I should always be in wonder, grateful for the blessing. ) Aha, I was beginning to be prideful and through my attitude I would possibly spoil what was supposed to be a special day.

Philip was in his element, engaging our readers who asked for autographs –asking for their names, conversing and thanking them heartily. His whole family was there. I didn’t even bother to invite mine. Except for Joshy Boy who was already getting home sick. Ie bored.

So, I let Philip sign most of the books (someone even ordered a hundred copies) and left an hour early of schedule. Before I left, I guided him on where it’s best to sign a book so that it becomes IG worthy. And showed him how I sign books. I also left a Sharpie sign pen with him.

I walked away happy and content, imagining him signing away, indulging those asking for pictures and enjoying his super special day. His first day as a book author.

What has become ordinary for you? Maybe for someone else it’s very special.

Hebrews 3:13 says “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”

With Gladys Calalang of OMF receiving our author’s copies.

*Ang Allowance na Hindi Bitin is just P75 pesos. It’s 30% off at the book fair. Last day is today, Sunday, Sept 16, 2018 at the SMX MOA convention center in Manila.



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