“That I may publish
with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell
of all thy wondrous works.”
Psalm 26:7

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“That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.” Psalm 26:7

4 Ps of writing for Christ followers
Project Author

4 Ps of writing for Christ followers

Last Saturday, I spoke at a Discipleship Conference and encouraged the pastors and leaders in the audience to write and evangelise.

Someone in attendance named “Glenn” from the host church, Crossworld, wrote to me asking that he wants to start writing. He felt that the Lord is leading him to write even before he attended the conference.

So just sharing these quick tips what I just emailed to him. (It was only halfway that I realised that this could be the 4Ps of Writing for Christ followers).


Dear Glenn,
Thanks for your feedback and encouragement.
We are commanded “to tell our story”; some by writing, some by speech or both.

Here are some steps — the 4 Ps – to take in your writer’s journey:
1. Pray. And ask the Holy Spirit what He wants you to write. Then obey!

2. Prepare. You can prepare to write by:
a. Reading your bible and writing down your thoughts and reflections.
b. Reading other books that you identify with; and books that you think could write also.

3. Practise writing. Just write! Write drafts of chapters that you think can go into your book. Write down ideas or thoughts whenever they come to you. So always bring a notebook or write in your note app in your phone.

A lot of the ideas and content for Real Men are POGI was written while waiting for people to come to meetings, during Church announcement times (okay, yes some while listening to a pastor speak–and something he says sparks an idea), or just after brushing my teeth or taking a shower. It helps that I have a laptop on my desk with my manuscript file in word open all the time. I also keep a notebook with me all the time.

With my OMF POGI editor Ian Magallona.
With my OMF POGI editor Ian Magallona during the launch of the ebook edition of Real Men are POGI.

4. Participate in seminars and workshops. Join the webinar and / or listen to past webinars on littworld.org . I’m having my webinar, Writing to Evangelise this December 12th. You can register using this link.

We also have Project Author workshops here in Manila. Send me a message or subscribe to this website to receive an invitation or notification.

Finally, be aware that the biggest enemy of the 4Ps of writing is Procrastination and distractions. So don’t procrastinate and get rid of distractions from excessive social media and cellphone use to going for that extra peanut butter sandwich.

That’s all for now. Write on!




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