“That I may publish
with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell
of all thy wondrous works.”
Psalm 26:7

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“That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.” Psalm 26:7

When mentees mentor you | Project Author

When mentees mentor you | Project Author

This is the cover of one of our Project Author students and mentees, Minette Carag. I’m really proud of her and her resolve to apply the lessons she learned at our Project Author 1.0 seminar and at our 2.0 mentoring course as well.
She was able to write and finish her beautiful inspiring book, When Troubles Trouble You in the course of 9 weeks.
In this book she shares the valuable lessons of going through many of life’s troubles–the death of a son and a husband, the challenges of being in ministry and in business. It’s a book that I truly enjoyed reading. There were tears released and inspiration and wisdom downloaded as I read your book, Minette. I’m proud to be your mentor! Congratulations on your book!
I feel that at this moment, it was the mentee who mentored the mentor.
Would you like to write a book also? Join us on 11.11 at 8pm for the last run of the year of Project Author.
Comment below #projectauthordream and we’ll send you a PM, an Early Bird coupon, and the link with all the info about the seminar and registration details as well. Giving of Early bird coupon is ending tomorrow, November 1, so please act today!
God bless!
Sharing with you Minette’s testimony about Project Author and an excerpt from her upcoming book, When Troubles Trouble You.
A Writing Journey
Our lives are impacted by storytellers.
Poems and parables have the power to move us, nay, even change us.
Novels of mystery, suspense, tragedy, or romance can hold you in their grip until you’ve read the last word in the last chapter. When you are bitten by a reading bug, you would read anything and everything, including the food wrapper. I was introduced to books by my mom when I was about five. From then on, books became a way for me to visit faraway places or go on a breathtaking adventures. I’ve always dreamt of writing something of worth – not necessarily a Pulitzer Prize winner – but something that is worthy of someone’s time.
To be able to write, one ought to have something to write about. As a young person, I did not have any experience to write about.
So I was mostly the reader, not the writer.
Fast forward to many years later. Life dealt me several hard blows which were like tyrant teachers that would not let go until I got the lessons right. I felt that they were experiences and life lessons that needed to be written. But, they were things I thought about and prayed about but did nothing about.
Until I met Ardy Roberto.
I first read about Project Author from his Facebook posts. I was curious enough to go to the first online meeting. That proved to be a turning point. He could help me write my book. Wow!
I had this story inside of me that needed to see the light of day.
These stories are like precious treasure which needed to be passed on. Stories that would help encourage someone else in their own life journey.
It’s been several months since that first meeting. The book is done. Only the printing remains.
Thank you, Ardy.
When Troubles Trouble You | An Excerpt – Introduction
In January 1994, a bitter tragedy struck my life.
Death took my youngest son. After months of trying to cope with grief, I decided to make some sense of why I had to bear so much gut-wrenching pain. You see, when my son Andre was born, I decided to become a full-time mom to him and to his two older brothers. He became my constant companion and I frequently dragged him to wherever I was going. Usually, after school is over, I would hear his voice shouting from the apartment hallway, ‘I’m home!’
When I realized that he was permanently gone, my heart shattered. This led me to a period of depression. I knew that I needed to make an effort to get out of the well of sadness that I found myself in. In the course of time, I found a short study at a seminary and decided to enroll.
The course title?
Fancy name.
Theodicy is the problem of how to reconcile a just God with a world containing evil. Or stated another way, if God is so good, why does evil exist? Why do bad things happen to good people? I’m sure you’ve heard of stories of tragedy visiting friends and families. I’m sure you’ve also asked why. And my struggle with that question led me to try to understand suffering through the lens of scripture.
The short stories in this book are about my journey through the valleys where God has led me. These are night seasons of my life, times when God seemed hidden yet He was present all the time. Each story is a short narrative of thoughts, feelings, and insights that I discovered on the ways and character of God.
These night seasons have allowed me to see facets of His being that have been previously concealed. My deepest understanding about God came from those times when I was hidden in the shadow of His presence. Shadows appear when darkness and light collide. I’ve found out that if you don’t run away from the shadows that appear like a bogey-man, God’s light does pierce that darkness and brings you to a brighter day.
If you’d like to order a copy of Minette’s upcoming book and ebook, When Troubles Trouble You, please post below or send her a PM via FB. I’m sure she’ll be delighted to serve you.
To register for Project Author. Please send me a message with the subject #projectauthordream and we’ll send you a PM, an Early Bird coupon, and the link with all the info about the seminar and registration details as well via reply email. Giving of Early bird coupon is ending tomorrow, November 3, so please act today!
God bless your author journey, just like Minette’s. 



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