“That I may publish
with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell
of all thy wondrous works.”
Psalm 26:7

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“That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.” Psalm 26:7

Ardy's Talks

“We make life meaningful by what we give, not what we get”

Go Negosyo!

I am a volunteer Mentor (or what we call “Angelpreneur”) for the Philippine Commission on Entrepreneurship (PCE) more popularly known as Go Negosyo! that was founded by Joey Concepcion. Current Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary, Ramon Lopez, was the Go Negosyo Executive Director during its founding years.

I love sharing stories and lessons that I learned from my 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur with aspiring entrepreneurs through the Go Negosyo and DTI program called KMME - Kapatid Mentor Micro Enterprise program. In English, Kapatid loosely means Big Brother or Big Sister.
As volunteers we go all over the country to speak, share and hold mentoring sessions in KMME sessions organized by the DTI.

To be one of the mentees or attend one of the seminars or talks, visit GoNegosyo.net for schedules.

Speaking ministry: Itinerant preacher and evangelist

If there’s something I am passionate about it’s the spreading of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Since I became a believer and follower of Jesus, I have experienced His amazing grace, fullness of life and joy even in the midst of trials and tests. And I love to share stories of God’s wonderful works in my life where ever I am invited.

There are many injustices in this world, and I believe that a great injustice is done when a person is denied from knowing “the way, the truth and the life.” Jesus said that He is the way to eternal life—heaven and that no one comes to the Father except through him; that He is the truth; and that He is the life, that whomever believes and surrenders his life to Jesus will experience eternal life and life to the fullest.

God has given me many opportunities to share the Good News through the stories (and topics in my books) that He’s given me to share. By His awesome grace, God has now given me a wife (wherein I was once a widower) who is a speaker and evangelist as well. Miriam loves to share the gospel and we have teamed up in many events to speak and share the Good News together.

I welcome invitations to speak at your church, bridging events or conferences. Just send me an email at ardy.roberto@gmail.com or click here to fill up our Speaker Request Form in order to send an invitation to your church or ministry event.

Advocate for the Ultra Poor: International Care Ministries (ICM)

I love what ICM does for not just the poor but the poorest of the poor in the Philippines. They work through the local church network of pastors who minister to the poorest of communities (those surviving on less than $1 a day or even just P20 a day) not just by giving them “fish” to eat but by training and teaching them “how to fish” and save. Cooperatives, saving groups and social micro enterprises are set up and flourish under the watch of ICM.

Miriam and I support ICM through our giving ministries and our speaking ministries—ministering to the ministers by speaking at and giving encouragement at their annual Christmas parties.

To know more about ICM and give to the poorest of the poor through them, click on this link:
International Care Ministries. https://www.caremin.com

Board Member: CBN Asia and volunteer 700 Club

Throughout my Christian life and its many trials, the 700 Club show has been there for me and my late wife when we needed to hear an encouraging word or a story of God’s miracle of provision or healing. Late at night, I would turn on the TV and watch from our home or many times at our hospital room when Tingting, my late wife, was confined. The stories and the prayers were always a God send to us and lifted our spirits and hope.

Little did I know that I would be involved with them later on, first as a supporter, then a volunteer phone counsellor, as a feature story subject and now as a board member—and of course, husband to one of the 700 Club hosts.

CBN Asia not only produces and airs The 700 Club but also has sister ministries like Operation Blessing (OB) medical missions and The Asian Center for Missions (ACM).
To find out more about CBN Asia or donate to their causes, click the link here: https://cbnasia.org/home/ and going to the “give” page.

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